Tripper Isolator for Reliable Power Control and Safety

The Tripper range isn't just about functionality; it's a testament to a philosophy that prioritizes peace of mind. It's about empowering homeowners to create a living space where they can thrive, knowing that every aspect of their environment has been carefully considered and fortified against potential risks.  



Isolators are used in electrical installations to make, carry and break circuit current. The Isolator ensures that the circuit remains completely isolated i.e. there will be no current at the load side even if the impulse voltage appears when the isolator is OFF.



True Contact Indication - This feature ensures reliable confirmation that electrical contacts are securely engaged or connected, essential for safe operation. 

Breathing Channels - These channels facilitate airflow within equipment or enclosures, crucial for dissipating heat and maintaining proper ventilation, especially in harsh environments. 

Closed IP20 Terminals - Terminals with an IP20 rating are protected against solid objects larger than 12.5mm, and "closed" implies they're fully sealed to prevent foreign object ingress. 

No Load-Line Bias - This indicates a different biasing method or that biasing isn't necessary for the particular application or component being discussed.  

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